Originally Posted by miszko
Sorry, english isn't my first language.
I have vBSEO 3.6, after update to vB 4.1.5 PL1 links to blog new post are not good translated.
When I follow this link, link is rewrited to
/entry.php?b=28&blogtextid=102 (the #comment102 are removed).
Page not loading (its stuck, like in loop).
When I remove "&blogtextid=102" and add "#comment102" everything is ok, page loads and jumps to comment.
vBShout is not responsible for generating the blog links, please add vbshout.php to your vBSEO exclusion list.
Originally Posted by ivant
what is the latest version change log?
If you mark the mod as installed, changelogs will be emailed to you. I also post changelogs in the thread - go back enough pages and you'll see it