Hi, I need more info about how to do this because every time I tried it didn't recognise the new place... for example..
/home/vgchat/public_html/forum/i1/pagination/next-left.png (with bburl_path / ) does not exist or is not readable.
/home/vgchat/public_html/forum/i1/pagination/previous-right.png (with bburl_path / ) does not exist or is not readable.
/home/vgchat/public_html/forum/i1/pagination/previous-left.png (with bburl_path / ) does not exist or is not readable.
/home/vgchat/public_html/forum/i1/pagination/first-right.png (with bburl_path / ) does not exist or is not readable.
/home/vgchat/public_html/forum/i1/pagination/first-left.png (with bburl_path / ) does not exist or is not readable.
/home/vgchat/public_html/forum/i1/misc/black_downward_arrow.png (with bburl_path / ) does not exist or is not readable.
/home/vgchat/public_html/forum/i1/misc/tag.png (with bburl_path / ) does not exist or is not readable.
/home/vgchat/public_html/forum/i1/misc/expires.gif (with bburl_path / ) does not exist or is not readable.
/home/vgchat/public_html/forum/i1/misc/moderated_small.gif (with bburl_path / ) does not exist or is not readable.
/home/vgchat/public_html/forum/i1/misc/trashcan_small.gif (with bburl_path / ) does not exist or is not readable.
/home/vgchat/public_html/forum/i1/misc/paperclip.png (with bburl_path / ) does not exist or is not readable.
/home/vgchat/public_html/forum/i1/misc/subscribed.png (with bburl_path / ) does not exist or is not readable.
/home/vgchat/public_html/forum/i1/misc/sticky.gif (with bburl_path / ) does not exist or is not readable.
/home/vgchat/public_html/forum/i1/buttons/sortarrow-asc.png (with bburl_path / ) does not exist or is not readable.
/home/vgchat/public_html/forum/i1/buttons/sortarrow-desc.png (with bburl_path / ) does not exist or is not readable.
Originally Posted by Osbes
Hello extreme-gaming,
It is impossible write the contet via HTTP, since this is a read-only access.
So you can't use an URL within the styleVar imgdir_sprite as long as you refresh the sprite. After this you can move the sprite to every folder you like and change the StyleVar.
If you are using a CDN correctly, it will synchronize your folder, so there is no need to set an URL for this StyleVar. Suppport for CDN is added since 0.6.2 and is proven by other users to work.
If you are using "Domain Sharding" you can set the correct relative path based from the forum-path to your icons.
Best regards