Originally Posted by danhaga
I just installed this and its not working. Clicking "Friends Online" just displays a never ending progress bar. Clicking chat room or settings is totally unresponsive.
Also, once working Id like for this to show all online not just friends since I have friends disabled on my board, is this possible?
FYI. I enabled friends for the testing of this mod.
We are investigating this issue, and looking into a fix.
Originally Posted by mikem164
hmmm, OK I updated and it now pulls Profile pic instead of Avatar, no one uses profile pic, I need avatar back. Then I think we are good. Nice job. Thanks, Mike
The avatars should be fixed in the new version that should be released either today or tomorrow.
Originally Posted by SuperDude
Looks great!!!! I just wonder why Cometchat are so expensive, and how great its could be if it was free plugin, like the one you made 
thank you very much!! I really appreciate your job!
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