SO HOW DO i DO THAT??? I already explained three times what I edited. And still, no support.
Anyways, they would get to it from here
Originally Posted by Mooff
Thanks bilgicc
As for gradients:
If you do not tell our addon where those images are located - it can't find them.
How would your users access those files via their web browser (please provide a full sample link we can click to see an image)?
In addition the folder where our addon wants to write the sprite has to be writeable and accessible by the user/group which does execute our addon. We cannot hack your linux system in order for our addon to save data. 
And listen. I already know that it has to be readable/writable and quite frankly, you would be aware that I already knew that if you actually backtracked a bit & read (since I already had this installed and working prior to moving the images). THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH IT, People here aren't stupid. The problem here is what I've been posting
THERE ARE NO IMAGES AT /forum/i1/statusicon/category-16.png
That one would be found here now /i1/statusicon/category-16.png
/home/vgchat/public_html/forum/i1/statusicon/category-16.png does not exist or is not readable.
/home/vgchat/public_html/forum/i1/statusicon/category_forum_link.png does not exist or is not readable.
/home/vgchat/public_html/forum/i1/statusicon/category_forum_new.png does not exist or is not readable.
/home/vgchat/public_html/forum/i1/statusicon/category_forum_old_lock.png does not exist or is not readable.
/home/vgchat/public_html/forum/i1/statusicon/category_forum_old.png does not exist or is not readable.
/home/vgchat/public_html/forum/i1/statusicon/forum_link-16.png does not exist or is not readable.
/home/vgchat/public_html/forum/i1/statusicon/forum_new-16.png does not exist or is not readable.
/home/vgchat/public_html/forum/i1/statusicon/forum_old-16.png does not exist or is not readable.
/home/vgchat/public_html/forum/i1/statusicon/forum_new_lock-16.png does not exist or is not readable.
/home/vgchat/public_html/forum/i1/statusicon/forum_old_lock-16.png does not exist or is not readable.
/home/vgchat/public_html/forum/i1/statusicon/forum_link-48.png does not exist or is not readable.
/home/vgchat/public_html/forum/i1/statusicon/forum_new-48.png does not exist or is not readable.
/home/vgchat/public_html/forum/i1/statusicon/forum_new_lock-48.png does not exist or is not readable.
/home/vgchat/public_html/forum/i1/statusicon/forum_old-48.png does not exist or is not readable.
/home/vgchat/public_html/forum/i1/statusicon/forum_old_lock-48.png does not exist or is not readable.
/home/vgchat/public_html/forum/i1/statusicon/subforum_link-48.png does not exist or is not readable.
/home/vgchat/public_html/forum/i1/statusicon/subforum_new-48.png does not exist or is not readable.
/home/vgchat/public_html/forum/i1/statusicon/subforum_old-48.png does not exist or is not readable.
/home/vgchat/public_html/forum/i1/statusicon/subforum_link.png does not exist or is not readable.
/home/vgchat/public_html/forum/i1/statusicon/subforum_new.png does not exist or is not readable.