This mod has been tested in vB4.x.
Since its release, several websites are using it without any problem.
"Call to undefined function" error seems to be due to install/uninstall the mod without following the README file steps.
@nacaruncr, @basilrath:
The mod hasn't the power to cause disk corruption / hacks / ... to your servers.
Php code is clear, simple and follow all the vB code standards.
Javascript code is executed in the user browser.
In my honest opinion:
@nacaruncr server was hacked before install this mod.
@basilrath is a sad and unrelated coincidence.
Anyway, the source code is there, anyone with knowledge can check it.
As the moderator said: "confirm your allegation with specific code in question or consider editing your post to remove this "warning".
@nacaruncr: I expect an apology from you because of your insults towards me.