I agree with those that posted about the BBUsername hack, it got out of hand really fast. I like the hack FireFly, it is neat and it does bring fun into the forums and your decision to only allow mods and admins to use it is probably best.
As for Nakkid, you should not worry about those that do not like you hack or about those are rude, just simply ignore their posts or if you feel the post should be removed, contact one of the mods/admins I am sure they would be glad to remove it (as firefly did) if it is of no use.
I for one wish had the degree that most all of these vB hackers had to make hacks and whip them up rather fast as well as find time to provide support, but I do not. I do not have the time to learn PHP/MySQL, but one day I will find the time to do so, in the mean time I have to depend on all the currect and upcoming hackers here

I think you should continue to release your hacks, ignore those that post derogatory remarks about the hacks or you in general.
Just my 2 cents