1- Have you tryed disabling other mods to make sure that the error is not being caused by another hack you have installed.
2- Did you properly clean your old shoutbox files out. I had this once I had not properly deleted the folders before I tryed to installed and some of the old files still existed and caused errors. Try to simply go in and completly delete the folders and files that have to do with the shoutbox and they retry installing as it worked for me.
3- Is your webdesign custom coded. I have noticed that on very small occasions a hack like the shoutbox can easily break not or not show not due to a problem witht he hack but to do with your forum skin being poorly coded [If you payed from a site like completevb do not be shocked if it bugs]
4- Trying linking Filip to your site. He will more likely be able to tell you the issue straight away.