Originally Posted by DonosOdD
Yes, I followed all the steps in the txt files. And still it doesn't seem to work for me. Funny, the previous version worked like a charm.
I'm running 4.1.2, maybe there's a compatibility issue?
There's no known compatibility issues with that version.
Originally Posted by arrow816
Sorry it was like 2 am,
I ment that alot of users in one group mainly are reporting that they can not see the shoutbox.
One other user reported something similar, and I believe the solution was to make those members also members of a secondary usergroup that could see the SB.
Originally Posted by arrow816
Another thing.
Is it possible to add like a new message number when you last looked. like a (11)
Due to the fact that there's no way to determine when you last looked reliably, and as such all other shoutboxes with this feature have this number to be very unreliable, we decided against adding that for the time being