On my friends board there is something wrong with the userid or something... I found this problem... when you go to view An attachment, it says..... Posted By: but then some random user name goes here. So does anyone have any clues of whats going on here? here is what the attachmentview template looks like.
<title>$bbtitle - Attachment Viewer</title>
$headinclude</head><body>$header<!-- breadcrumb -->
<table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="{contenttablewidth}" {tableinvisibleextra} align="center">
<tr><td><normalfont><b>$navbar > Attachment Viewer</b>
</normalfont></td></tr></table><!-- /breadcrumb --><br>
<table cellpadding="0" border="0" cellspacing="1" width="{contenttablewidth}" align="center"><tr>
<td nowrap valign="top" align="center"><normalfont>
<img src="attachment.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&attachmentid=$attachmentid">
<br>Posted by <a href="member.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&action=getinfo&userid=$attachuserid">$attachusern ame</a>
</normalfont><br><smallfont><a href="attachment.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&attachmentid=$attachmentid">
<normalfont>[</normalfont>image alone<normalfont>]</normalfont></a> <a href="$nav_url">
</normalfont></a><br><br><br> <center>
$bbtitle takes no responsibility for the content of messages
<br>and or images linked to or displayed on $bbtitle. All uploaded<br>
material remains the property of the user who uploaded it.