Kier, excuse if I'm still here.... :greedy:
Well. As I often said, your hack v2.2.2 works very well....
But, alone... :china: I tried installing other hacks like welcome panel and generally those which use
getavatarurl() function to retrieve the name...
As already said, I even tried to modify myself that function you seem having forgotten in
Also tried to use the
Bira's upgrade to 2.2.1 some posts above.
But still I see some image holes linking :
if I have a standard forum avatar and not a custom one....
(I'm UserId=1 and, remember, I changed the default directory, but it's seen correctly and this isn't the problem)...
It means that somehow the above fuction doesn't recognize I have a standard avatar and not a custom one....
Instead, in postbit and elsewhere (where the function isn't called), the right standard avatar is displayed linking to the image and not to the avatar.php? script, correctly as your hack makes it.
Are you planning to modify - also standing on all the above difficulties users found - that function too ?
Why not ???