Updated Mod to Version 2.5
New Features:
- New simpler template layout- no virgin template required for edits.
- All buttons now load asynchronously so the page load does not wait for the buttons.*
- New option to disable or enable the share buttons in specific forums (to disable in private forums).
- Includes "Invalid Character" in template bug fix.
I strongly recommend everyone upgrade to this latest version.
Note: I have moved the default order of the buttons- the Goolge +1 button does not resize automatically so to have a clean look and consistent spacing between buttons I had to move it to the very end.
You can easily change the order of buttons by manually editing the more_share_options template. A "virgin template" is no longer required- simply copy and paste the button codes in whatever order you want them.
I strongly recommend you revert any customization you've made in the more_share_options template so you work off the new, simplified, template- however the mod should still work with the old 2.25 template.