Originally Posted by RcHelp
Now I have a whole nother problem. I did purchase the commercial version like I said I would, but I still have a problem with it as I did on the free version. When I click to pay via PayPal, I get the error you see below. I have tried everything to get this to work, and hope you guys can help me out here. I want to take this cart live, but can't do it if people are not able to pay for anything.
Invalid Redirect URL (https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_xclick&business=tonydnewlin%40aol.com&item_name=Helicopter+Setup%2C+&amount=75.00&handling=0&shipping=0&tax=0&quantity=1?cy_code=USD&return=http%3A%2F%2Frc-help.com%2Fcart.php&item_number=Tony-16Jul11-DCFFEDN4GW98HNNMERV?ify_url=http%3A%2F%2Frc-help.com%2Fcart_gateway.php%3Fmethod%3Dpaypal)
sandbox.paypal.com is the developers' site of PayPal, so most probably you've setup PayPal payments in Test mode. You need to turn it off (Test mode: No).