Admin 'Announcements' permission
I want to give an admin only access so he can edit users but I don't want him to see any hidden forums.
What I do is, I go to
AdminCP > Usergroups > Administrator Permissions
and set 'Can Administer User Permissions' on 'yes'. Just that one, no others.
And by 'Quick User Links' in his profile I set 'Edit Forum Permissions' so that he can't see the forum I don't want him to see.
Than I log out, log in under his username, go to the admin panel and see that he still has access to 'Announcements'. When I click on it, I see that he can make announcements, for all forums, also those that he doesn't have access to. So he can see them and therefor knows they are there.
But I don't want him to know those forums are there.
So I want that he doesn't have access to 'Announcements' and/or can't see the hidden forums. But how do I do that?