It is now possible to create a dispute against a single user group by enabling the "Enable Usergroups" setting. This will allow anyone in the user group to participate in the dispute, as well as anyone on the normal dispute list. PM notifications won't be sent to the user group.
This version also fixes several bugs with the Private Dispute option where searches would still show a dispute thread even if the user wasn't allowed to participate in the dispute. Although this doesn't fix all the problems when using Private Disputes, it is a major step in the right direction!
The remaining problems with Private Disputes are...
1) Last post details shown on the statistics page of the user profile. This can show disputes threads even if the user isn't allowed to participate in the dispute. Until this is fixed it can be circumvented by disabling the option to show the last post on the user profile.
2) CMS latest posts/threads widgets will still show disputes threads even if the user is not allowed to participate in them. I will try and fix this soon.