Originally Posted by Ramsesx
For a better understanding here's a link to the Plugin Pages.
Sounds interesting Pete, so far as I understand it will be not possible for a user to create a new product review when it's not already listed in the catalog?
Is it possible to add all kind of products into the catalog or is all just imported from content providers?
Sorry if asking this, but what's in for you? Because add-ons in this kind of complexity are most paid or kind of Multi-level marketing stuff.
My experience with letting users create pages for reviews (i.e., adding product pages) is not good. People almost always take the lazy way out and you end up with junk. So, what I will add is a suggestion box that allows people to recommend products to be added. I did this with my last community and it worked well.
What's in this for me is a small % of the opportunity with the basic version or some form of payment on the Pro version. This is my full-time job. I have been working on the design and development since the middle of last year.
There is a lot in the works for this CMS. Far more than I can explain all at once and not have people roll their eyes.
The problem that I'm trying to solve is the one that I experienced and struggled with for a long time... How do you monetize the huge volume of traffic forums get from the search engines without alienating your members? The answer I came up with, the one that really worked, is:
- Educate
- Provide Social Proof
- Offer Sources and Discounts
So, that's what the base system will provide. It will allow people to build catalogs of products, articles and reviews.
One of my longer term goals is to provide the components that allow forum owners to share reward with members. So, for example, your members can submit how-to articles for publication that include product references. To encourage publication the system will support a revenue split on the affiliate commissions. This is the model that has made Squidoo and Hubpages so popular.
This is not multi-level marketing. It's shared opportunity. Forum owners have the audience, but they need organized content that helps people make buying decisions. By sharing the reward forum owners can get more and do less.