1.1.0 (8.11.2011)- included a "cache" system for pictures which solves a browser cacheing issue and speeds up the slider (on second image creation) -- added some FAQ questions
- included a bit more debug messages
- new crop function (beta stadium) included
1.0.0 (4.08.2011)- confirmed working with 4.1.5 on our testsite, changed jquery path to account for 4.1.5 and below (now using the file which is uploaded in the zip)
- minor changes in the database query code
- fixed a bug where articles did show up in the slider even though their publish date was in the future
0.9.9 (28.07.2011)- images are now saved as jpg instead of png -> reduced filesize by a factor 10
- removed a bug causing weird characters to show up in the previewtext
- added loads of debug messages and a debug mode
- removed beta status - slider is running on our live site now
0.9.2 (23.07.2011)- fixed a bug which caused the slider to not find attachements
- removed the fopen() function. Now checking via a GD function whether given ressource is an image
0.9.1 (21.07.2011)- added $description_length variable
- reworked description cutting code. Now using a word sensitive substring function. Cutpoint is easier on the eye now.
- removed some slashes '/' in the code which might have caused pictures not beeing shown
- changed description title to h2 instead of span - might have a small effect on beeing more seo friendly
- removed a bug in the image resizing code (code was wrongly placed outside an else condition)
Q: I want a static version. Can you give me some code?
A: Code can be found here:
Q: I want the slider on FORUMHOME
A: Code that should work can be found here (untested):
Q: I see only a white Box - no images
A: Probably a jquery issue:
Q: Captions appear and the slider works, but i can't see images
- See Answer above, it might be a jquery problem.
- Do the images show up in the folder you specified?
- Does the fallback image show up if you set the switch to yes?
Q: Slider isn't working (f.e. I can see text, but no images and no slider functunality)
Make sure the slider_img_filepath variable is set correctly
$slider_img_filepath = 'external/unitedforum/slider/';
If you open such a link in your browser:$slider_img_filepath/nivo-slider.css you should see the css file!
Q: I want articles from exclusive cms categories or sections
A: Modified database query can be found here:
Q: Attachments aren't working for me
A: If your guests do not have the rights to see attachments - neither does the slider.
Q: I want to show specific articles and nothing else
A: Code can be found here:
Q: I want to change some nivo slider settings (effects, timings..)
A: An example for timings can be found here:
For other settings please check the nivo slider homepage:
Q: I want the slider without widget title - how to do that?
A: Explanation can be found here:
A2: No Background at all: Check this post (including pictures) by The Rocketeer
Q: How to order the articles shown by date descending - without value sorting function?
A: Take a look at this post:
Q: I updated one of my articles but the slider shows the old picture?
A: Thats the new cache function. Either delete all slide images in the slider folder or run the slider one time in debug mode.
Q: Can i have different pictures in the slider and as a preview?
A: That's now possible via the cache system. Just upload the picture you want to have in the slider into your slider folder, nameing convention is: slide_articleID.jpg. Be aware that those images will be overwritten in debug mode.
Q: I have more and more slider pictures in my slider folder?
A: Again cache system. Each article which was in the slider one time creates an unique picture. The slider does not delete those pictures, in order to be able to use the cache functionality. Please delete them manually from time to time if you do not want them there.
[b]Q: Slider is not working and Firebug is giving me an "#slider is empty" error?
A: Solution can be found here:
Q: My question wasn't answered in this FAQ
A: Please set the slider into debug mode via $debug_modus = true;
You then should see debug messages, which might point you in the right direction.
If that doesn't help. Post in the thread and please provide above debug and very detailed information what doesn't work and what you want.