Hello everybody! *Dr. Nick Riveria wave*
I need a little help and I'm hoping someone here can provide.
I am making a flowchart of the employees at the organization I work at. More specifically, I'm making a "Heirarchy Chart" or 'organizational chart' (whatever you want to call it) starting with the Board of Directors > General Manager > Department Heads > Pee ons.
This is a daunting task with over 100 employees. Right now I have a few rough drafts drawn on paper, but I really need to make it spiffy and do it on the computer.
To start with I am using Adobe PaigeMaker 6.5 to do a rough sample, but it's time consuming making the little boxes, lining everything out, etc . . . I'm sure this is the case for photo editing software such as Paint Shop Pro, as well.
So, my question is, is there a program out there designed to make flowcharts/organizational charts? ((preferrably free/shareware))

. If so, please let me know. I'm almost positive there are due to the many flowcharts used in programming and such, but I dont' know if it will work for what I want.
Any suggestions are welcome.
((I'm posting this at vb.com, as well, to get a wider range of people. As far as I know, that's okay, but if it's not please pm me.))