Originally posted by GameCrash
One thing, after import every post is set to the import date, not to the date it has really been posted to the NG. Is it possible to do that or is it a problem (timezones etc.)?
I have the script set to import it as the date of the message if the lastmsg is set to 0. When this is set to 0, you're getting all the posts from the newsgroup. Otherwise, it'll import it and set it as the date of import, as this will make it be ordered correctly and not show up before other posts in the thread.
If you want to change how this works, you can go to line 77 and change the if-else statement that does this. So, you could comment out stuff something like:
// if ($group[lastmsg] == 0){
$date = strtotime($message[date]);
//} else {
//$date = time();