Originally Posted by NAZIA
Link example, must be..
[link text here](link.address.here "link title here")
qouted from
instead of using ,,
Link Example: <http://example.com/>
by the way good work...
That is a more proper way, but both will work if you use the
http://. I guess the <url> is a shortcut or something.
Originally Posted by Plugin Pete
BOP, I'm curious as to the practical application of another markup language. Is it capable of doing things that BB Code cannot? Maybe there is a significant amount of Markdown content that I'm not aware of.
I have no great love for "markdown" - I made this mod per a request- someone who had a forum for programmers I believe wanted markdown support. It's just a matter a preference IMO, I always found myself typing _like this_ or *this* to add emphasis anyway, it's nice to see those really many something in a language like Markdown.
The popular site
http://stackoverflow.com uses Markdown in all their "forums." Now I lnow how to use it.