Thank you for your feedback. Let me explain as clearly as I can what our service provides.
Our primary goal is to connect users that are seeking advice on any topic with the appropriate forum that best suites their question. I am not sure which site is yours, but we only send appropriate non spam questions to any sites.
If we get a question that is a good fit for any forum site we will create an account 'advizo' and we will post the question under that user. Then we will track the question and when new answers are posted we will notify our user. When they check our site, they will only be shown a snippet of the answer (125 characters) and then they will be prompted to go visit the site for the rest of the answer. In addition when we register and post a question to your forum under our catchall user 'advizo' we use the "Contact Us" form as well as try to PM an Administrator and let them know what we are doing and how they can become a partner.
We have several layers of spam prevention. Firstly at this stage in the product every single question is double checked by our team to ensure they are legitimate questions and we also double check our suggestion engine to ensure the correct forum was chosen and we then send the question on to the most relevant forum.
We hope that by sending these questions to the best communities our users will receive the best advice from "experts" that belong to that community.
In fact it's just been pointed out to me from one of my moderators that most of your 26 registered members are already banned from our sites for spam!!!!
This plugin seems a great way to let spammers to your site bypassing your own antispam checks.
As far as this is concerned if you are talking about
http://forum.advizo.com that is a support forum for our site, that has nothing to do with our actual Advizo users. If you visit our main website advizo.com it is not a vBulletin site, it is a custom built website using a python framework. We are also currently an invitation only site as we are in a beta phase so you cannot just sign up for the service. By screening the users we have, as well as having a human overlook each question; opening your site to spammers is out of the question.
If you have any additional feedback on our product please let us know. Additionally if we have posted a question at your site and you wish for it to be removed simply let us know and it will be taken care of. We are not out to spam, pollute, or otherwise disrupt your community.