Originally Posted by Disasterpiece
There's a link in the user control panel, you can see it as a small button in the first screenshot.
I have a different functions.php file. Altough I was sure it works on 4.1.0 as well, I developed it on a 4.1.3-4.1.4. I'll check it out tomorrow, or you could just upgrade to the latest vbulletin version. Wouldn't be a bad idea anyway.
Import the attached plugin. Then you'll find the avatar urls as a template var:
{vb:raw post.steamavatarfull}
{vb:raw post.steamavatar}
{vb:raw post.steamavatarmedium}
Which are the same image, but different in size.
I can make updates to my current functions file if you give me an idea of what i need to do. Im holding off on updating at the moment.