Originally Posted by TeknoSounds
Just wondering if any of my previous suggestions made it into the mod yet, or if they'll be possibly included? I remember it being mentioned they were being added to a suggestions list 
1) Remote server hosting of files
2) Comments moderation (mass-delete especially)
3) Comments spam prevention (IP banning, re/captcha? spam-o-matic integration?)
4) Sub-folder tree structure (per category maybe) vs 1 folder of all files.
Hey! I shall consider these when building the next version!
Originally Posted by mavrick4283
When i am on the downloads page i am getting
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at [path]/dbtech/downloads/actions/home.php:1) in [path]/includes/functions.php on line 5099
And i am getting
You forgot to fill in required fields. Please go back.
When i try to upload
I am running VB 4.1.4
This is a clean install.
Also how would i remove the navtab that links to downloads?
Could you send me login info for your site?
- David