Originally Posted by Halfhidden
Could this be put in a widget so that the members can see their own status wherever they are or do they have to go to their status to see this?
This is not currently implemented by we shall consider something like this for a future version!
Originally Posted by xXxpert
installed but not working for me.. can't select mode.. \in admincp when i click on add new mod nothing happened.. changed permissions cant save.. 
What error are you receiving?
Originally Posted by clubplanet
This works exactly as described but I do have one question. Is there anyway to censor a word in status? I have a couple user's who have taken it upon themselves to get rid of their custom titles and then put "Administrator" and the like in the status. I don't want to use the censored words option inside vbulletin for this because it will censor the word across my whole board.
Is there any way to censor or disallow certain words for just this mod?
We'll consider adding this in in a future version!
Originally Posted by Miihawk
How can I make the status's in postbit italicized ( with <i> )
Have a look at the dbtech_status_postbit template!
- David