I've installed last10post.
I have problem with the $path
In config file there is a row like that:
[/b]$path = "/home/arkitera/homes/httpd/html/forum/admin"; // path to your config.php file (usually in the /admin directory) - NO TRAILING SLASH! Do not include "config.php" [/b]
It gives me the following error:
Fatal error: Failed opening required '/home/arkitera/homes/httpd/html/forum/admin/config.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/virtual/arkitera/home/httpd/html/forum/last10post/last10.php on line 13
I couldn't file the correct path. (I solved it temporaryl like that:../admin
But it is just a temp solution . What is the correct path for it?
I asked that questin at vb.com first. Here is the JamesUS's answer:
I corrected it to this way and tried again.
$path= "/home/virtual/arkitera/home/httpd/html/forum/admin"; // path to your config.php file (usually in the /admin directory) - NO TRAILING SLASH! Do not include "config.php"
There is no problem when i call the last10.php
When i include it from html directory it gives error:
[/b]Fatal error: Failed opening required 'last10config.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/virtual/arkitera/home/httpd/html/forum/last10post/last10.php on line 12[/b]
I have same problem with other hacks.
What could be the reason for this problem?