Originally Posted by reteep
Mary, I respect your work and you really did some great mods. However, coding an own CMS does not make sense in that case, at least in my opinion. In our case we just converted from Wordpress to vBulletin CMS and it was hell, the URLs of more than 50.000 articles changed. With vBulletin CMS we at least got the safety to build on a reliable and stable component, which is supported by a whole company. A CMS can be a crucial part of a website.
I would love to see you coding addons for the official CMS though. That would be really great and everyone could stick with the current solution. Just a thought.
It's difficult to explain what exactly I'm doing. But maybe tomorrow I'll post a video in YouTUBE to be more understandable. I'm not actually coding a replacement of vB CMS. Ley's try with an example of my microCLASSIFIEDS. It has the homepage (I repeat, homepage of microCLASSIFIEDS, not vB), it has a page for listing Ads, and finally a page for showing the Ad itsself. You know very well, that even the best design can satisfy all users. Some user don't want xxx block, some others want xxx block but in different position and so on.
This is what I'm doing. All available blocks in a container, from where the user can drag and drop them anywhere he wants. Just I'm not stoping there. Except the microCLASSIFIEDS blocks, should be blocks coming from forums and CMS. An example. Lets say that someone wants to show Latest Threads, Popular Threads, Sticky threads. He can just drag and drop these block to the page (with visual effect... seeing it with data). But he can also drag and drop them in a Tabs container to save space, and make it more attractive.
Last but not least: Static blocs: Video, Audio, Images, Banners, Texts, Navigation menus and many more.
So at last the pages of microCLASSIFIEDS, should be exactly as the user wants to be.
I talked about CMS because the first Mod that I'll use budled with Drag and Drop features should be a multifaced Articles system. Depending on the settings can be Articles, Reviews or anything you like. Even recipes mod.
PS- Don't confused with the nickname. This is my company's name.