I really hope you can help me out here. I have spent the last few hours trying to get this to work. I have read every post in this thread and still no joy!
I have installed and everything seems fine. I can add hash tags in a new threads and the thread posts fine but no tweet. I have installed everything twice over, changed and double checked every setting i can find and nothing.
If I use bitly I can see the threads get posted to their site but they wont add them to twitter (I can manually add them form there to twitter)
tried all the url shortenings and without any shortening. Different forums etc. Twitter feeds fine from my sites tweet buttons or form my facebook fan pages so i know its working.
I have also disabled every plug in and mod and still no change. I have the necessary curl and json on the server.
I tried to enable and run the extradiagnostic plug ins but I dont really understand them. I assume the userid to go in them is my twitter userid?
Then what do I do with them? I enabled them but nothing happens - tried adding a new thread and still nothing so I cant even post up the results from that!!!
I am running VB 4.1.4
any ideas anyone before I pull my hair out!!