YOBS can swear at police without fear of arrest, according to guidance issued to officers.
Louts are able to tell cops to "f*** off" or call them "w*****s" and the C-word with impunity, says an advice card drawn up by chiefs.
It says courts do not accept that such terms cause officers "harassment or distress" and so do NOT justify making an arrest in themselves. The card has been issued by Scotland Yard to officers of London's Met, who face foul-mouthed tirades daily.
Yard bosses warn that in the past compensation has been paid over cases where courts ruled that bad language alone was an insufficient reason to detain someone.
They also point out that if officers handcuff anyone they must be prepared to justify doing so.
Peter Smyth, of the Metropolitan Police Federation, called the card "patronising", adding: "Officers don't need to be told how to do their job. They are pretty robust about language."
The Met said: "It gives useful guidance on execution of powers."
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haha im gonna try this tomorrow and give you guys feedback ! lol