Plugin Pages is a catalog builder, plain and simple. Over time we will offer all sorts of catalog building capabilities. If there is a strong demand, we will support it.
Plugin Pages has the singular purpose of helping forum owners monetize their websites search engine traffic with value-added content. The idea was born from our own experience creating and running an automotive forum with more than 60,000 members. Our unique visitor traffic was about 20% members/forum referrers and 80% search engines. This is a common traffic pattern with most forums.
Plugin Pages helps you monetize more of your search engine traffic by producing and organizing community related content that helps people make buying decisions. In other words, it helps you get in the direct flow of online commerce. In the process of doing this, your search visitor bounce rate goes down while the page views-per-visitor goes up.
The Plugin Pages product catalog offers you five ways to generate revenue from every page, including Amazon, eBay, Commission Junction, Shopzilla and Google Adsense. Plugin Pages creates an automatic shopping comparison environment and leads visitors to Amazon reviews (optional). For additional support on these networks, we have fully integrated third-party link monetization tools.
Plugin Pages is automatic and low maintenance. Every effort has been made to automate as many steps as possible without creating a bloated system. This includes all steps to import products and keep them up-to-date. A basic catalog can be created in a matter of minutes.
The Right Tool at the Right Time
According to a recent Yahoo! survey, social networks, the mobile Web and coupon sites are transforming how consumers shop. For savvy shoppers with digital tools at their fingertips, the purchase process has become akin to playing a game.
Yahoo concludes that As consumers increasingly go online to evaluate their options, socialize them, and get the best possible deal, the process has become far more fun and social. Shoppers collaborate with other players (consumers and brands) to navigate their choices and get to the consumer win finding good value for their money or discovering a great, new product.
The Yahoo! survey isnt news to most forum owners. Forums play a huge part in the online buying habits of consumers. With that in mind, doesnt it make sense to formalize a process and get in the game with shoppers? We think it does, and thats the whole idea behind Plugin Pages. When the shopper catalog components (e.g., products, coupons, reviews, and articlea) of Plugin Pages are put together, your community wont simply let visitors and members play the game, it will be the game board.