I have downloaded and installed this Lancer for Hire mod, thanks but it did not function for some reason on my forum (and I tried everything). My forum owners also want the registration first and Paylpal second. Lance for Hire has those in the opposite order.
I thought you would be interested in assisting with a simple (or at least what I perceive to be simple) change.
The purpose for the forum is not for fun or to try to get a lot of users and it's purpose in not to make money.
It is for doctors breaking ground on a new type of treatment for neurological disorders to discuss and share ideas and findings. The low cost to join is to cover the hosting...Members would be 50 in number at most. So, in this case, it is considered that those who will join will do so for professional reasons and many of them will be invited to join.
I am guessing I should post a request in the thread for paid mods then.
Just thought you might be interested.