Originally Posted by maznos
somehow i see it is possible since you are going to return the original urls and not touching the files.
think of it like this:
thread have the text: blah blah image1.jpg
the undo column is storing this: image1.jpg=http://blah.com/path/to/image.jpg
so when the undo happen your script just replaces the local file urls to the original url
thats it
keep up the good work:up:
This is what it already stores, but a rollback isn't possible. Imagine you have the replacement image enabled. Then a whole lot of original URL's may be represented by a single image. You would have the trouble to have to use a progressive counter for each image, and in the same time you could not reuse an already stored image. Then it may bloat the disk space wuite a lot, specially if posts with images are quoted a lot.
I'm rather a friend of frequent backups and as a hosting provider I guarantee those work best