I really love this, but my forum is SSL (https). It looks like Wibiya has an
SSL option:
In order to install the Toolbar on websites that have SSL/HTTPS web-pages use the following script instead of the usual script:
<script type="text/javascript">
if(window.location.protocol != "https:"){
var f=document.createElement("script");
f.setAttribute("src", "http://cdn.wibiya.com/Toolbars/dir_XXXX/Toolbar_XXXXXX/Loader_XXXXX...");
This line :"http://cdn.wibiya.com/Toolbars/dir_XXXX/Toolbar_XXXXXX/Loader_XXXXX..." should be replace with your toolbar source.
What can I do to use this on my site? I'm dying to try this out, but the SSL issue is roadblocking me.