Cant take credit for this... as ive seen this fix elsewhere. Worked for mine vb version 4.1.4.
I have applied for a new hook to be added to take care of the issue in 4.0.3 & other versions so hopefully this will only be "broken" for this iteration. If you want to fix, you will need to apply the following file edit:
Note: THIS IS FOR VERSION 4.0.3 BUT WILL WORK ON other versions.
Edit includes/functions_video.php and change:
PHP Code:
function parse_video_bbcode($pagetext)
global $vbulletin;
PHP Code:
function parse_video_bbcode($pagetext)
global $vbulletin;
require_once(DIR . '/includes/ame_prep.php');
$providers = ame_data_preparse($pagetext);
Again this is not my fix... just something I found searching google. It may even be in this thread already. Not sure. lol.