Ride around in a car built for free, and where they mechanic works on it in his spare time or for fun and risk it breaking down or a car theif breaking into it because the door locks are messed up.
Ride around in a car where the dealership pays the mechanic good money, he makes it a point to ensure the locks work, the car runs fine and is maintained on schedule.
Now of course by locks I mean security, by maintained I mean vBulletin's staff is paid to ensure the product is secure and is actively being developed (despite some wanting one feature or bug added/fixed more so than someone else etc etc what is new there). For me it's simple, you pay more to receive more (old saying "You get what you pay for" basically) and I've worked on phpBB forums in the past and I feel the same as BOP5, I never want to visit or login to another phpBB forum for that matter to be quite honest.