Originally Posted by MaryTheG(r)eek
Hello all,
Here is a very easy way to protect your config.php (and thus your valuable database): - Copy your config.php from /includes/ directory, over the public area so nobody can access it with the browser.
- Open the config.php that still exists in /includes/ directory and remove all the code.
- Add only the following code:
Ofcourse you need to replace **username** with your FTP username. Maybe you need to change the path. This example is from cPanel configuartions.
That's all. Connection details to your database are now hidden to hackers.
PS- I did a search before posting the advice, but I didn't found anything. If a similar article exists, then my apologies, but is well hidden 
I prefer the above as many simply do not know about this and not to mention your telling a hacker where config.php is within the old config.php when/if they have a copy although they may not think to look for the edit within class_core (if you do not preserve timestamp info when editing or uploading the modified file)

. The only drawback is vB4 does not like it to be renamed when upgrading, vB3 did not care - that's simple to bypass though, before upgrading change it all back then redo the changes again once you've upgraded

and your good. You can then leave a cloned config.php in place within includes and fill it w/ all sorts of false information.