Originally posted by dost
Same thing happened to me, but I found a solution. I searched my machine and found a file called pear.php.in, then I copied it to my forum folder and renamed it to pear.php and it worked.
Ah... I was puzzled. The only thing I could figure was that there were no newsgroups in the database. Since it looks like the PEAR is a problem, I'll have to modify the NNTP class to not require it.
Originally posted by dost
Gilby: Some Turks use both the Re: and Ynt: prefix for replies in newsgroups. What can I do to recognize posts starting with Ynt: prefix as replies?
On line 124 and 125, replace those similar lines with:
if (eregi("^(Re:|Ynt:)", $message[subject])){
$subject = eregi_replace("^((Re:|Ynt:)[ ]*)+","",$message[subject]);