Originally Posted by flbutterflyz
I created a profile field that I'd like each usergroup to view but only want 3 usergroups to use. How do I go about that in postbit legacy? Here's what I have so far:
<vb:if condition="$post[field27] != ''"><img src="images/favthings/{vb:raw post.field27}.png" title="Favorite Things" align="left" border="0" /></vb:if>
HTML Code:
<vb:if condition="is_member_of($bbuserinfo, 1,2,3) AND $post[field27] != ''"><img src="images/favthings/{vb:raw post.field27}.png" title="Favorite Things" align="left" border="0" /></vb:if>
And change "1,2,3" to the 3 usergroup id's you wish to show the code to