What I do on my site is display the first paragraph of the lastest 3 articles on my home page.
Each links to
www.site.com/$username.htm. I have static pages for each username and on them I have an <include PluhNews> which displays 1 article at full length.
On this static page I also have Pluh Headlines linking to the lastest 10 headlines. Those go to the forum.
What I want to do is display those on my sites template as well, but don't know how to do it.
I was thinking something along the lines of (in PluhHeadlines) linking to
www.site.com/$username?$threadid, then telling the static oage to display whatever threadid is int he URL. However, I know minimal PHP and don't know how to implement that, or even if it's possible. Any help would be apperciated.
You can see an example of what I'm talking about below: