Originally Posted by hlstriker
Sorry for any misunderstanding but the bug I fixed was for when you click on the "Find a customer" and "Find a seller" links. I'm not sure why you are getting that problem WDS, are you sure it's with iTrader? Using vB 4.1.4 doesn't seem to produce what you are showing.
Yes, the WYSIWYG bug is now fixed, thank you  . The other 2 bugs still persist though, see here to fix them.
The problem with the IP image is:
A) If you don't have your forums on your domains root the path is invalid.
B) In vB 4.1.4 "ip.gif" doesn't exist.
oh, maybe there is more than only one ip.gif in the templates. I'll take a look on both issues, thanks for your temporal fix!
Originally Posted by matthew1111
Hi all, so I've installed the 2.8.1 version and enabled it and everything.
But it's not showing up in the forums I have enabled it for (using IDs). So I went to my profile and clicked on iTrader and it said that I don't have permissions to access this page. I am the site founder and only admin. Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
Thanks. I'm also missing the iTrader tab on the profiles homepage.
You need to set the usergroup permissions.