Originally Posted by Ted S
Thus the question is really how much load you are already placing on your system and how much it adds too it.
Thanks Ted ...
We're on a dedicated server...
According to the list that our host shows me, here's our configuration ...
Intel2.0 GHz 1333FSB - ClovertownXeon 5335 (Quad Core)
Intel2.0 GHz 1333FSB - ClovertownXeon 5335 (Quad Core)
Generic1024 MBDDR2 667 FB DIMM
Generic1024 MBDDR2 667 FB DIMM
Dell1066/1333FSB Dual XeonPowerEdge 1950/2950
Maxtor 250GB:SATA:7200RPM
MaxLine Plus II Dell9G Drive Controller - SAS/SATA
SAS 5/i Dell4 Drive MaxDrive Bay for 2950
Our home page is currently showing this as performance for 470 users online (55 members and 415 guests)....
Page generated in 2.12171 seconds with 30 queries [Server Load Averages (1:5:15) 0.16 : 0.29 : 0.36]
Does that help?