Originally Posted by chriske
Thanks for the update Nhawk,
I just updated to 1.2.0 And the raffle now draws when I run the scheduled task.
There is only one problem:
I have set the option "Allow One Member Multiple Wins" to No. But still there is 1 user that won all 3 prizes :S Now the raffle of last month has to be redrawn...
Is there a way to solve this?
You folks are driving me nuts!
I am unable to duplicate this on any test or live server I have access to.
If you don't have enough unique entries to draw the raffle this is what is logged in the scheduled task log..
28 Draw raffles 07:28, 5th Jul 2011 Start drawing raffles
29 Draw raffles 07:28, 5th Jul 2011 Raffle Test Date 5 Not Drawn - 2 members 3 prizes
30 Draw raffles 07:28, 5th Jul 2011 Finished Drawing Raffles
If I draw a raffle by either letting the task run on it's own or manually run it, it draws the proper number of winners even if there are only 3 members that have entered (as shown a couple posts back, but with 3 members.. 1 with 20 entries). And this is what is logged in the scheduled task log..
41 Draw raffles 08:04, 5th Jul 2011 Start drawing raffles
42 Draw raffles 08:04, 5th Jul 2011 Draw raffle Test Date 5 - winner MY$T3R!OUZ
43 Draw raffles 08:04, 5th Jul 2011 Draw raffle Test Date 5 - winner Snog
44 Draw raffles 08:04, 5th Jul 2011 Draw raffle Test Date 5 - winner imauser
45 Draw raffles 08:04, 5th Jul 2011 Finished Drawing Raffles
Could I get more information please?
vBulletin version
PHP version
MYSQL version
Any other information you feel might be relevant
EDIT: OK, now I'm really confused!
After installing the Raffle system on a fresh server with the latest versions of PHP and MYSQL and being unable to duplicate the problem described by you folks, I did a line by line check of the code for the Scheduled Task Raffle Draw.
What I found was just the
opposite of what you describe as happening. No matter if 'Allow One Member Multiple Wins' was set to 'Yes' or 'No', and multiple prizes were to be awarded, it
would not allow multiple wins to one member!
I suggest you double check that /includes/cron/raffledraw.php has been overwritten with the most current version. It might be possible that you either didn't upload all of the files at some point, or it somehow never got overwritten. Also, if your server is running any kind of PHP caching, try clearing the cache.
I will issue an update that
WILL 'Allow One Member Multiple Wins' in the next day or two.