Originally Posted by Mukashi
Just uploaded and installed the latest version, but I seem to be having problems with the placement of the buttons. Both with the standard version and with the modified version that you have in the first post. I've attached a screenshot showing how it's appearing for us. Any reason why it would be looking like this? We're using vBSEO, and have the "Force Standard URL?" option off as instructed.
That's very weird that for you your facebook button comes up last when for everyone else the facebook button comes up first. Maybe it's because you're in Australia and the seasons are reversed and the toilet water spins the other way? (just kidding.) (well a little serious.)
I have some ideas to force them into the right order but the easiest fix for now would be to add some extra spacing between the facebook button and the rest.
If you are comfortable, go to thr Admin CP -> Plugin Manager -> Edit the Plugin:
More Share Options.
Find the code:
//Standard (Default) Layout
$bop5fb[1] = '<fb:like href=\"'.$href.'\" layout=\"standard\" send=\"false\" width=\"260\" show_faces=\"false\" action=\"like\" colorscheme=\"light\" font=\"tahoma\"></fb:like>';
And replace it with:
//Standard (Default) Layout
$bop5fb[1] = ' <fb:like href=\"'.$href.'\" layout=\"standard\" send=\"false\" width=\"260\" show_faces=\"false\" action=\"like\" colorscheme=\"light\" font=\"tahoma\"></fb:like>';
Note the code added in red. That will put proper spacing between your buttons.