First, thank you nHawk for helping me out and looking into things. =)
Now, a few suggestions.
- Post Winners to Thread, option. - This would simply reply to an existing thread with a custom message as defined by the admin. Post things like the raffle, draw date, prize and winners.
- Time to wait to send out winning PMs/Manual notification. Sometimes, I'd like to verify things before the winners are announced. This would accomplish that.
- Redraw option - Posts to the above mentioned winners thread that we've had an issue and will be performing a redraw. Have the option to simply redraw as is, or invalidate the current raffle and open a new raffle window with the old raffle window values prefilled into the form to make it easier.
- When clicking Manage User Entries in the ACP, have a dropdown that has "All" and then each raffle name in it so we can only view the entrants for that raffle. After awhile, this screen is going to get really messy and require a lot of hunting around.
- Display how many entrants there are option - On the main raffle screen that the users see, display how many people have entered the raffle. (Not necessarily who has entered like it is now)
- If an image is included in the forum block, auto center it.
- Move "Allow One Member Multiple Wins" to per raffle instead of a global setting.
- Add in the ability to draw each raffle at a specific time. I know that would require the cron running more often, but even if it's close, say it only checks every hour, I think that'd be good.
I know that's a lot of stuff and some of it isn't probably all that quick/easy to do, I'm just asking for you to consider these options in any future release you do. Thanks again, the mod is awesome and I think some of these changes would just make it even better if you have the time/desire to do it. =)