First, you're welcome to everyone who has said "thank you."
Originally Posted by OlijO
On my side : vBSuite 4.1.4
Google+ work without problem.
Twitter work but the count of tweet stay to zero, perhaps the action is not instantaneous ?
No it's a conflict with the twitter button and VB4- well known. I noted this 3 times. (In the first post, in the mod instructions, and in the mod setting itself. In all 3 places I said there is a known issue and the count will probably not work with twitter. I recommend disabling the count box for twitter. I included the option to turn it on only in the event t gets fixed by either vBulletin or twitter.)
Originally Posted by zelnik
Thanks, I think once the hardcoded twitter stuff was removed then vbseo stuff worked with twitter! 
Glad to hear... I will try to program in a VBSEO Installed Yes/No option in the next version so it works either way out of the box without custom edits.
Originally Posted by oBEAVISo
Seems to work ok for me too on 4.1.4 with vbseo installed . One thing i notice , Once tweeted, the tweet carries the full url address and not the shortened url . Any ideas ?
I believe that is something twitter is deciding to do on their own. If you mouse-over the link you will see it indeed has the link to the url shortener address.