I'm having a problem with drawing raffles as well. The Task runs as far as I can tell (meaning it's in the log that it ran), but no raffles are drawn that should be. I only have 1 raffle and it should be complete as the draw date is today, that date is on the server and the task was run.
So I ran the task manually and saw no errors on the page, but still no draws.
Thanks for any help, this is my first raffle I was testing giving out a couple free video games to my members and well... hopefully I can get this fixed soon so I don't look like more of an idiot than usual.
Thanks for any help you can provide!
*EDIT* - When I run the raffledraw.php, I get not visual feedback (makes sense, it's a cron), but it runs so quickly and there's no logs, it just feels like it's not doing anything.
*EDIT* - Ok, I've figured this out. I'll try to be clear, but... I think this is going to be confusing.
The problem is that my server time is in GMT, which is -8 from my time.
When I created the raffle, the only way I was able to get the dates to display correctly on the raffle portion people could see, was to set the draw date for a day LATER than I really wanted it to go. But on the raffle page, it looked like a date earlier than actually set.
So, I've been looking at the raffle page expecting it to draw, but when I edited it, then I saw that the draw date was in fact 7-03-2011, even though it was displaying 7-02-2011 on the raffle page.
So for now, I dropped the date back a day and now it's waiting to draw and I'll run the cron and it should do what it should of.
BUG #1: So I guess the problem is that either the raffle page or the raffle entry page aren't using the same timezone modifiers or something and that's where the confusion started. So I guess that's a bug of some sort. =) Awesome stuff though and donation should be there by the time you read this!
*EDIT* - Ok, I did that and now am getting the same error as reported by someone else above: Fatal error: Function name must be a string in /home/XXXXX/public_html/includes/cron/raffledraw.php on line 195
I checked that line in the file and it has a $ next to the fetch_phrase function, I removed that and it ran.
BUG #2: At least I think this is a bug, it let the same member win twice... They had 3 tickets in, which is fine, but.. I didn't really want the same guy to win twice as the prizes were the same. I basically wanted one unique winner per draw, is that possible?