Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5
I checked out Share This- it looked good initially but what I don't like about it is that you need to give permission for Share This to interface it's own app with Facebook and Twitter whereas AddThis works directly with their API's and no special permission is needed. I for one basically never give 3rd party apps permission to work with my facebook or twitter accounts and I know that would stop a lot of people from sharing content on my site if they had to.
Yeah, I understand what you mean. So I've placed both of them for now, using the text versions so maybe it won't confuse people too much.
What I don't like about AddThis is that is doesn't show you the actual URL that it is sharing in the interface window for Facebook or Twitter (maybe others), just the shortened version. So you have make the link then click on it in your FB/Twitter page to test it. ShareThis shows both the actual URL and the shortened one in the interface window.