Originally Posted by KW802
The site you're likely think of is Mark.B's site, BC Forums. I'll leave it him to explain his setup, if he so chooses, but there is no way to run both of the arcades on the same installation unless you modify the code in one or the other. And, even then, you'll run into some limitations.
There's mine, and there's also Stangger5's site, Next-Level Arcade, which also runs both.
You have to take one of them aand change all instances of /arcade/, arcade.php etc to something else.
In my case I took ibproarcade and did that, so for example my main arcade file is now ibproarcade.php.
The files clash, the databases do not.
It's quite a task and not for the faint hearted.
You then find that ibpro games won't run on v3arcade due to the way ibpro uses index.php. However I remember stangger5 once saying he'd got round this, but I don't know how. I didn't pay much attention to the problem since when you have both arcades running, being able to interchange the games isn't really an issue.
I can confirm that when running both together Mochi games work on v3arcade as well, as I've recently implemented that.
My arcades (to prove it works):