I am getting a 404 error...
when I ban a spammer using spam-o-matic. I can ban the person, click confirm, and then if it gives me a list of users with the same IP, I get the 404 error when I click on those user's names to ban them manually too.
From what I can see, it puts the path as
user.php?do=edit&u=xxxx rather than
My admincp folder is renamed for security reasons.... I suppose it needs to know if it's an admin or mod and put in the correct folder name based on their settings...
Also, when we ban people using Spam-o-Matic, the profile retains the website address and the signature. As these things stay on the profile page, they really need to be removed when the spammer is banned/submitted, otherwise the spammer wins by gaining a link to their website on the profile page.
Otherwise, this is an absolutely fantastic mod.
