The instructions do NOT say to add that line twice. I have "Attachments as Files v1.0". In the section for "Changes to
editpost.php (1)", it says,
Step 1 of 1 FIND:
$DB_site->query("DELETE FROM attachment WHERE attachmentid=$postinfo[attachmentid]");
ABOVE that add
And that's it.
OK, so I edited my file to put the new bit in twice, once in each spot.
Now some people have told me that they cannot see some of the attachments. I am not having that problem, even after clearing my browser cache, I can still see all attachments fine. I tried posting a new attachment, and I could also see that fine, too. So far, one other person has said he can also see it, while several people have told me they cannot see it. I don't understand this problem at all. How come some people can see attachments (whether post-hack or pre-hack), while some people cannot see any attachments?