Originally Posted by grey_goose
How configurable is the position of the ranks? I'd like to redo my usergroup/ranks as just awards, but I'm pretty adamant on how I want my postbit to appear  and would want the awards to be in the same location. Doable with minor postbit editing?
You should try using the custom css option first before editing any templates (this is located within the rank options, enable by selecting custom then either edit the rank css template or post your modified css you fabricated from the default.css file included and paste within additional.css. That way you could adjust it to suit and perhaps avoid unnecessary template editing by using css alone

Edit: Although for us at one point in time... we displayed [S]ranks[/S] correction Awards on the userinfo right location and displayed our military rank just below the avatar and designed to compliment it as well - just a idea if your only showcasing one rank otherwise if a display box containing a few you may not desire such changes or that location specifically, it's up to you
