Originally Posted by NarutoFTW
Hmm I think you have this wrong... this can be used in conjunction w/ that mod if you wish, this way you have a separate need for Awards and Ranks it is so

. That mod only requires a few updates for example the profile fix listed in the changelog i.e.
Was made before this was released, special thanks to sadiq for helping so many in the Awards mod eh? Round of Applause indeed

. So you see if you spend a few minutes and use Sadiq's fix you can have yours working on 4.1.3 and below, I'm not sure if it works on 4.1.4 as I simply have not tested, if so please post... so far one says no.
Originally Posted by Sayid
If the answer to NarutoFTW Q is no, then a converter from 3.x or 4.x version of Awards System to yours will be much appreciated. 
I believe, from our mods being similar in the past that you should only be required to backup the awards mod tables, then import the product and mark it so it can be overwritten etc and you should then be upgraded, if any issues you may need to import some of the award tables you backed up back into the DB to repopulate the info.